Today is the official launch of Onegevity Health. To begin with the company is focused on health and wellness as it pertains to so-called gut health, recommending nutrition products and supplements as well as ingestible prebiotics and probiotics.
“The company’s first product, GutBio, combines its advanced Metagenome+ sequencing technology with AI-based personalized insights and recommendations to help individuals manage and improve gut health,” explains the Onegevity Health media release circulating this morning.
The business
Joel Dudley and Chris Mason founded Onegevity Health in partnership with Paul Jacobson, CEO of dietary supplement maker Thorne.
Both doctors, Dudley’s specialties are genetics and genomic sciences, and their intersection with AI; while Mason specializes in physiology, biophysics, and precision metagenomics and is an equity stakeholder and ongoing consultant for Onegevity Health, according to the release.
“We aim to build a radically different relationship with our customers compared to companies on the market today,” asserts Jacobson in remarks to the press.
“Several companies today seem to profit off the backs of their customers by making deals on customer data where the economics of those deals tend to flow only in the company’s favor,” he says, adding that “Our model is that we only profit when we help customers achieve better health, and if we find opportunities to profit from data, we will be completely transparent with our customers and split the economics in a way that rewards the customer.”
First health
The company is mainly working in the preventative health care space, gathering and giving personalized data to individuals in order to help them make their own informed choices: “Our mission is to empower any individual seeking better health with the best science emerging from personalized health research,” says Dudley, in today’s media release. “Our approach is to put individuals at the center of control of their health journey with direct access to convenient molecular diagnostics and intelligent digital analytics to develop personalized and highly-actionable plans towards chosen health goals.”
Onegevity Health is positioning each consumer as their own best authority on their health and medical needs: “It is each person’s right to know as much as possible about his or her health, right down to each base pair, methyl group, and molecule, and we firmly believe this will become the new model to better understand, diagnose, and treat disease,” believes Mason.
Then beauty
Launching today, GutBio is touted on the company’s ecommerce site as “cutting-edge microbiome sequencing and artificial intelligence to decode the mystery of your gut and bring you answers. All from a simple home test.” The product promises to return 6 GB of data for $349.
But the company is looking beyond gut health already. “Onegevity will expand services later this year to include whole-genome sequencing and blood testing plus personalized products and services for skin health, cognition, heart health, and sports performance.”
Find out more about beauty and the microbiome; and register HERE to join us at the Cosmetics Design Summit 2019: Skin Microbiome Innovation, which is sponsored by DSM and Givaudan (Diamond sponsors); Solabia, BASF and Sabinsa (Platinum sponsors); and Indena and Atlantia (Gold sponsors).
Deanna Utroske, Editor, covers beauty business news in the Americas region and publishes the weekly Indie Beauty Profile column, showcasing the inspiring work of entrepreneurs and innovative brands.