得益于在中国实现了成功扩张,美国跨国公司科蒂的护肤品牌兰嘉丝汀 (Lancaster) 在全球取得了两位数的增长。
科蒂表示,兰嘉丝汀在海南和更大的中国市场势如破竹,使得公司在 2022 财年取得两位数的增长。
Istyle aims to boost sales of Japanese beauty brands in China's travel retail channel
Japanese retail and media group istyle Inc plans to open a new @cosme duty-free store in the newly built Haikou International Duty Free City, aiming to boost sales of Japanese beauty brands in China.
Beauty brands will be able to import products directly into @cosme stores, bypassing certification from China's food and drug regulator, the State Drug Administration, istyle said.
This plan will greatly reduce the risks that Japanese cosmetic brands face when entering Hainan.
L'Oreal says launch of Japanese beauty brand Takami in Hainan 'just in time'
L'Oréal claims that Hainan Island has a reputation as a "beauty resort", so it is the most appropriate location to launch the latest "Pearl" Takami brand in L'Oreal's high-end skincare portfolio.
The brand's signature Metabolic Beauty Water, also known as the Little Blue Bottle, has taken Asia by storm, especially in China.
The Takami brand will make its duty-free debut in 2023 on the popular Chinese resort island of Hainan.
Yixian e-commerce will close more offline stores of Perfect Diary in the second half of this year
Given the deteriorating retail environment in China, the Chinese cosmetics company will close more of Perfect Diary's underperforming brick-and-mortar stores.
Since the beginning of this year, Yixian E-commerce has closed 58 Perfect Diary stores. As of June 2022, the company had 228 brick-and-mortar stores still in operation.
At the company's second-quarter earnings meeting on August 25, Huang Jinfeng said that the company would continue to close more Perfect Diary stores.