Skin Care

The rise of the male.....grooming sector

The rise of the male.....grooming sector

By Michelle Yeomans

Although many segments of the cosmetics industry are levelling off, the area of men’s grooming is actually reporting strong sales growth. In light of this Cosmetics Design takes a look at what’s driving the segment so far in 2012...

Albéa boasts $20 million turnover since acquisition

Albéa boasts $20 million turnover since acquisition

By Michelle Yeomans

Less than a year after acquiring Eyelematic, Albéa representitive Olivier De-Saignes tells USA that the company has met its short-term goals and has even succeeded in boosting the specialist's turnover.

Ponds HDPE bottle is favourable in Indonesia

Asia Pacific leads the way in skin care packaging trends

By Michelle Yeomans

According to Dr. Benjamin Punchard, the head of global packaging research at Euromonitor International; “Over the 2005-2020 period the fastest growing countries for skin care packaging were Indonesia, China and India.”

Nivea's new marketing campaign

Nivea skin care drive sees Beiersdorf return to form

By Andrew McDougall

Thanks to a ramped up marketing drive to celebrate skin care brand Nivea’s 100th anniversary, Beiersdorf’s Consumer business has shown a return to growth following a release of its figures.

New preserving technology

New preserving technology

US-based Health Sciences has re-formulated Sense, its skin and
personal care product line. The product has been re-launched
containing the company's new preserving technology, which is said
to contain a number of active ingredients...