Market trends

Tea Time: 3 indie brands brewing up beauty

Editor’s Spotlight

Tea Time: 3 indie brands brewing up beauty

By Deanna Utroske

A wide variety of tea-derived inputs is used in personal care product formulations, most often for their antioxidant activity. Green tea, white tea, fermented black tea, matcha, blue tea (which is really butterfly-pea flower and lemongrass), and other...

Trend Spotting: formulating beauty products with the mushrooms of the world

Editor’s Spotlight

Trend Spotting: mushrooms of the world

By Deanna Utroske

The use of mushrooms in beauty product formulations has been an emerging for years. But now it seems that the prolific fungi are gaining real popularity with skin care consumers. Certainly, the natural cosmetics and personal care movement can take some...

The beauty industry’s stake in worldwide wellness

Editor’s Spotlight

The beauty industry’s stake in worldwide wellness

By Deanna Utroske

According to the Global Wellness Institute’s 2018 report, wellness is now a $4.2 trillion business; and the beauty, personal care, and anti-aging categories account for $1,083bn of that figure. Here, Cosmetics Design looks at brands and trends navigating...

Gemstones in beauty: An Asian-inspired trend that’s yet to hit Asia

Gemstones in beauty: An Asian-inspired trend that’s yet to hit Asia

By Amanda Lim

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but it is semi-precious stones that are carving a niche for themselves in the world of beauty. Ironically, says Sharon Kwek of Mintel, this trend has yet to take root in Asia, where gemstones and crystals are part and...

The skin care category you may have missed

Editor’s Spotlight

The skin care category you may have missed

By Deanna Utroske

Lip care and lip color have grown in recent years; and some might say that lip products now comprise a stand-alone category—one that epitomizes the multifunctional formulations blurring the boundaries of beauty today. Here Cosmetics Design takes a closer...

How personalisation continues to reinvent fragrance

How personalisation continues to reinvent fragrance

By Simon Pitman

Trying to generate renewed interest in fragrances is one of the biggest challenges for this category, evinced by waning sales of the most popular scents. So how to reinvigorate things?

PCHi gears up for its largest edition ever in 2019

PCHi gears up for its largest edition ever in 2019

By Amanda Lim

With a total of 40,000sqm and 90% of booths taken up, the upcoming edition of Personal Care and Homecare Ingredients (PCHi) is set to be the biggest yet, its organisers Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions (RSE) announced.

Trend Spotting: vinegar beauty treatments

Editor’s Spotlight

Trend Spotting: vinegar beauty treatments

By Deanna Utroske

Vinegars have been used globally for centuries in cooking, medicine, cleaning, and personal care. Now with consumers’ interest in naturals, blend-it-yourself products, and time-honored traditions, vinegar is showing up quite often in skin care, hair and...

Indies' unconventional approach to body care

Editor’s Spotlight

Indies' unconventional approach to body care

By Deanna Utroske

While much of the cosmetics and personal care industry is preoccupied with flashier categories (like color and skin care) and emerging technologies (like microbiome-friendly ingredients), an astute group of independent personal care brand leaders are...

Data is power: Indie beauty brands get personal with big data

Data is power: Indie beauty brands get personal with big data

By Amanda Lim

With an ocean of information that can chart consumer behaviour and reveal their innermost desires, big data is empowering indie beauty brands to create truly one-of-a-kind products and services that take bespoke beauty to a whole new level.