Hair care

PCHi industry show coming up in China

PCHi industry show coming up in China

By Lucy Whitehouse

The Personal Care and Homecare Ingredients (PCHi) trade show, one of the key events in the beauty industry annual calendar, is set to take place 1 – 3 March.

L'Oreal launches Women of Worth 2016 Awards in India

L'Oreal launches Women of Worth 2016 Awards in India

By Lucy Whitehouse

L'Oreal has launched this year's instalment of its annual Women of Worth awards in India, indicating that the multinational is keen to push brand awareness forward further in the country.

College media chips away at big beauty

College media chips away at big beauty

By Deanna Utroske

Across the country, journalists at hyper-local campus news outlets report on issues of wellness, industry regulations, green washing, sustainability, and more –all the while pointing a finger at both the FDA and large cosmetics corporations.

The Philippines looking to develop its halal market

The Philippines looking to develop its halal market

By Lucy Whitehouse

The Philippines is looking to bolster its halal industry, and has introduced various new bills to encourage the manufacture, accreditation and trade of domestically produced halal products.

Avon losses are bigger than expected

Avon losses are bigger than expected

By Simon Pitman

Avon results show a big drop in sales on the back of currency translations and tax costs, leading net profits to come in below market expectations.

Metrosexual beauty on the rise across Asia

Metrosexual beauty on the rise across Asia

By Lucy Whitehouse

The male grooming sector is seeing a strong boost across Asia, thanks to the growing enthusiasm among male consumers for a meterosexual style.

Australian beauty brands investing in bricks and mortar stores

Australian beauty brands investing in bricks and mortar stores

By Lucy Whitehouse

Further evidence that the beauty retail tide is turning back towards bricks and mortar stores after its recent focus on an online presence, comes as more beauty brands in Australia are now investing in their high street presence.

Taiwan to ban estrogens in cosmetics

Taiwan to ban estrogens in cosmetics

By Lucy Whitehouse

The Food and Drug Administration in Taiwan has announced that three types of estrogen will be banned from use in cosmetics, due to their carcinogenic nature.

L'Oréal cashing in on Bollywood brand reps

L'Oréal cashing in on Bollywood brand reps

By Lucy Whitehouse

L’Oreal has signed up several Indian actresses as brand reps lately, in a move set to push up brand awareness among younger consumers in the country.

Japanese beauty brands increasing LGBT support

Japanese beauty brands increasing LGBT support

By Lucy Whitehouse

Lush Japan and Shiseido are two Japanese beauty brands getting behind a growing movement among corporations in the county to display support for LGBT minorities.

Editor’s picks: the top articles of 2015

Editor’s picks: the top articles of 2015

By Michelle Yeomans

As we bid farewell to 2015, Cosmetics Design takes stock of the most topical beauty news in the Asia Pacific region which includes: Shiseido's advances in hair loss, Thailand heralded as ASEAN's gateway, animal testing developments in New Zealand...

Brush up on Asia's major trends before the New Year rings in!

Brush up on Asia's major trends before the New Year rings in!

What a jam packed year 2015 has been for the industry! Cosmetics Design has been on the road taking note of the latest innovations and discussing the key issues cosmetics makers are facing in Asia.  Here, we’ve condensed all the best bits here for you...

China tops Kline’s chart for global beauty device innovation

China tops Kline’s chart for global beauty device innovation

By Michelle Yeomans

The beauty technology segment has been picking up some speed of late and market analyst Kline confirms that creative and price-accessible devices from China have contributed to its record-breaking growth of nearly 15% globally.

Rooting for change: the latest innovations in treating hair loss

'Hair loss developments in 2015'

Rooting for change: the latest innovations in treating hair loss

By Lucy Whitehouse

Estimated to be as large as approximately 200 billion yen in Japan alone, the hair loss segment holds huge global sales potential for any brand which can get to the root of the problem: here, Cosmetics Design rounds up all the latest advances in hair...